Automatic doors with assistive technology for people with disabilities

Cửa cổng tự động được lắp đặt cho gia đình có người khuyết tật

With the development of technology, people with disabilities today receive more support to make life easier. Besides a wheelchair, a walker or a change of eating utensils, an automatic door for the disabled is a really useful device that helps people with disabilities to easily move in their living space. 

How can automatic doors help people with disabilities?

Automatic doors for people with disabilities make their mobility easier. It can be installed in houses, companies, public buildings.

Automatic doors can be activated in several ways. From remote control devices, card readers, switch control, voice activation, touch technology… Whatever technology is used, its effect is to help people with disabilities easily easily move through the door without force acting like traditional door types.

Cửa cổng tự động được lắp đặt cho gia đình có người khuyết tật
Automatic gate is installed for families with disabled people

If installed at home, the controls can be integrated into wheelchairs of people with disabilities. When they need to open the door, they just need to manipulate the control devices in the wheelchair extremely easily.

For household needs, automatic doors can be installed as main doors. It can also be installed outside the gate. The development of automatic door technology helps these devices always ensure good security, strangers without a control device can hardly penetrate.

What else can be automated?

In parallel with automatic doors, technology solutions for people with disabilities that help people with disabilities to move easily can also be extended to many other areas:

  • Door opener for garage.
  • Rolling door
  • Automatic gate opening and closing motor. This technology is useful in home improvement models. With the existing door design, editing and installing the motor in can still become an automatic door when needed. For example, sliding gates. When installing the motor, it will be easily opened and closed without applying force. 
Bộ điều khiển cửa tự động được ứng dụng rộng rãi
The automatic door controller is widely used

It can be said that these technologies are not only solutions to assist people with disabilities. It also brings a lot of benefits to families with elderly people. Now, using the key, or turning the handle, or applying traction ... to open and close the door is not really necessary. House doors, gate doors, garage doors can all be turned into automatic doors. More modern, it can also apply voice activation technology which is extremely convenient, absolutely secure with the most reasonable cost. 

Where is the construction and installation of automatic doors that are safe and convenient for people with disabilities?

Anh Khoa Automatic Door Company is one of the leading suppliers of automatic doors for the disabled in Ho Chi Minh City today. With a wide range of products from leading European brands, we bring you the most complete automatic door solution. All are considered in accordance with the needs and financial capabilities of the customer.

Công trình cửa mở tự động từ Anh Khoa
The project of automatic opening doors from Anh Khoa

100% Anh Khoa automatic doors all ensure the highest quality, safety, security, and durability standards. The automatic control devices are all standard and meet strict quality criteria. You can verify the quality through safety certificates. Through that, you will get an affordable, quality automatic door device with the most complete and prestigious warranty.

Are you in need of advice on automatic door solutions for the disabled? For more information, please contact Anh Khoa directly via hotline 090 458 7544. Or you can also go directly to the showroom to learn and receive product advice: 206/22 Dong Den, Ward 14, District Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh.

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