What is an automatic door opening and closing? How to fix

Currently, automatic doors are used quite commonly in many families. These types of doors bring many conveniences to users such as remote control, equipped with modern and smart technologies to make the process easier to use. In addition, in the process of use, it is inevitable that unexpected arisings will affect the user experience, including automatic doors that open and close automatically. This invisibly causes disadvantages to the user if the door opens and closes without being detected by the user in time. So What is automatic door opening and closing? How to fix how? This article will give you a more objective perspective on this issue, as well as give you the most useful advice.

Explain the phenomenon of self-closing doors

First of all, the problem of using automatic doors to open and close is confusing for users, which can affect the safety and security of users. For the uninitiated or knowledgeable with these products, it can be difficult to pinpoint the cause of the problem.

Hiện tượng cửa tự động tự đóng mở một cách bất thường có thể đến từ nhiều nguyên nhân, là một trong những lỗi thường gặp trên những thiết bị như thế này.
The phenomenon of automatic doors opening and closing abnormally can come from many causes, which is one of the common errors on devices like this.

In short, an automatic door is a door device with sensors that detect surrounding objects, based on a pre-programmed database that opens and closes the door, when those objects come close to the door device. . These types of doors can be seen widely used in commercial centers, buildings, supermarkets or large stores...

Cảm biến phát hiện cài đặt rộng vượt ngoài phạm vi cũng có thể là nguyên nhân khiến cho cửa tự động tự đóng mở.
A sensor that detects a wide setting that is out of range can also cause the door to open and close automatically.

For some reason, the automatic door opens and closes abnormally without the usual approaching objects around. The way the door opens and closes continuously or randomly, which is not under the control of the control devices or receives accurate information from the sensor.

A few reasons can be mentioned when this phenomenon occurs such as damaged sensor equipment, giving incorrect signals; the control device is shorted, the button is stuck...; Impact from external force causes engine damage…

How to fix automatic door opening and closing

In some cases where the sensor is installed at a wider distance than specified, moving objects around accidentally enter the sensor's active area, causing false signal feedback. Users can recheck the sensor of the automatic door, determine and reset the operating range in a closer space, avoiding opening and closing without moving objects in and out.

Điều chỉnh phạm vị phát hiện vật thể chuyển động quá hẹp cũng dễ khiến cửa tự đóng mở do nhầm sự chuyển động của chính cửa.
Adjusting the moving object detection range too narrow is also easy to cause the door to open and close by mistake of the movement of the door itself.

A problem is also related to sensor detectors, that the moving object detection range is adjusted too low and the space is narrower. At that time, the sensor may misunderstand the movement of the wing as a moving object and emit a programmed automatic opening and closing signal. It is necessary to double check the range of the sensor's moving object detection setting and adjust it wider to avoid detecting door movement.

Some types of equipment can emit strong electrical waves and interfere with the signal of automatic doors, causing incorrect operation or even damage. Check surrounding devices and remove or move away to avoid continued interference.

Một số lỗi đến từ cảm biến, hoạt động không ổn định do bụi bẩn bám trên bề mặt cũng là nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng tự đóng mở.
Some errors come from the sensor, unstable operation due to dirt on the surface is also the cause of the self-closing phenomenon.

Check whether the operation of the safety sensor is stable and accurate. In fact, after a period of use, the sensor can get quite a lot of dirt, causing signal interruption. In these cases, it is only necessary to clean the sensor part. Besides, it is also necessary to check the signal receiver box of the safety sensor, to make sure it is still working properly.

And with automatic doors with a deep groove design, small objects can fall inside, the glass door can collide, causing continuous automatic opening and closing. Removing these obstructions is essential for the device to function properly again.

In order not to get into the above troubles, you can prepare carefully from the purchase stage, with genuine products from Anh Khoa with prestige on the top, committed to being your correct choice. , refer to: Quote automatic door open popular nowadays

Reputable automatic door repair and construction unit

When an abnormal automatic door opening and closing occurs, users should immediately call a genuine warranty center or a reputable repair center for inspection, advice and repair support. Choosing a reputable and quality repair center, with a professional team with long experience in the profession will help save time, costs and get the best support.

Automatic door Mr. Khoa is known as a unit specializing in providing genuine automatic door products with clear origin and origin. And above all, Mr. Khoa It also supports users in the construction and repair of automatic door devices with unusual self-opening phenomenon, quickly and with the best quality and efficiency.

With many years of experience in the field of automatic doors, cutudonganhkhoa.com committed to bring customers the best products and services, dedicated service and always accompany customers throughout the use process.

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