Reputable automatic door repair with the best quality at the best price today

Nguồn điện bị hỏng, tụ điện biến áp bị hư là những nguyên nhân thường gặp khiến cửa kính tự động hỏng

As a modern and convenient device, automatic glass doors are widely used in offices, hotels, and commercial centers. However, the automatic glass door repair is inevitable after a period of use. Sometimes the wrong power setting, misuse or deterioration over time all contribute to automatic glass doors not working properly.

Cửa kính tự động bị hỏng cần được xử lý kịp thời để không làm gián đoạn nhu cầu đi lại của người dùng
Broken automatic glass doors need to be handled in time so as not to disrupt the user's travel needs

Why the automatic door doesn't work

Automatic doors do not work, require repair due to many reasons including both subjective and objective causes. Before proceeding auto glass repair, the implementer needs to find out the reason leading to the problem.

Nguồn điện bị hỏng, tụ điện biến áp bị hư là những nguyên nhân thường gặp khiến cửa kính tự động hỏng
Damaged power supplies, damaged transformer capacitors are common causes of automatic glass doors failure

In fact, the common causes of automatic doors not working include:

  • Power supply is broken
  • The transformer capacitor is damaged
  • There are debris that causes the wheel to get stuck
  • Wheels are oxidized under the influence of the environment for a long time because they are made of rubber materials
  • Resistance exceeds the specified threshold, the controller automatically disconnects to protect the life of the device
  • The door operating speed is too low for the mass, so the motor cannot give the right power
  • Sensor error
  • Fire window control

The demand for automatic door repair is increasing

Automatic glass doors are widely used in many different spaces. After a period of use, the phenomenon of automatic glass doors not working or faulty is inevitable. With high demand, demand auto glass door repair Also increased.

Kiểm tra thực trạng, xác định nguyên nhân trước khi tiến hành sửa chữa là điều rất quan trọng trong quy trình sửa cửa kính tự động
Checking the status, determining the cause before carrying out the repair is very important in the automatic glass door repair process.

In many cases, automatic glass doors fail continuously due to improper operation by the user, equipment not installed properly or product quality not guaranteed. It is also for that reason that choosing a reputable and quality supplier plays a very important role.

What to do when the door is damaged?

Determining the cause of broken automatic glass doors, users will know how auto glass repair. For minor damage, customers can fix it by themselves, more severe cases require professional repair services.


Với các trường hợp hỏng nặng, khách hàng nên liên hệ dịch vụ sửa cửa kính tự động chuyên nghiệp
In case of severe damage, customers should contact a professional automatic glass door repair service

When the automatic door is damaged, customers can refer to the ways auto glass repair following to fix the problem:

  • Check the power source as well as the sensor, wiring circuit, make sure the voltage is stable
  • When the glass door does not work, the engine inside can be checked. If the engine overheats, how? auto glass repair Simply cool the engine, when the temperature returns to normal, the engine runs again
  • Cleaning the roasting line, the details of the glass door, removing harmful objects as much as possible; If the rubber is worn out, it can be replaced with a new one
  • Check the working speed of the motor, adjust it to suit the actual needs of use

Reputable automatic door repair unit at the best price

It is not difficult for customers to find themselves a unit auto glass repair, however, to get good service quality, reasonable price; Choosing a reputable and reliable facility is more appropriate.

Anh Khoa cung cấp dịch vụ sửa cửa tự động uy tín, chuyên nghiệp
Anh Khoa provides prestigious and professional automatic door repair services

Anh Khoa is the leading supplier of automatic doors in Vietnam with a variety of door lines in terms of design, design, material, and price; is a partner of many large restaurants and hotels across the country. On that platform, provides additional services auto glass repair with 5 commitments:

  • Genuine parts
  • Reasonable price
  • Fast service
  • On-site support
  • The warranty is clear

With a team of skilled technicians, Anh Khoa is committed to providing services auto glass repair high quality to customers. Contact us via hotline 090 458 7544 if you are in need of automatic door repair.

In addition, if you are in need of a new replacement, you can check out the article Quote automatic door open beautiful is popular nowadays. To choose for yourself the right door style to change or change.

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